
When a Curved Stairlift is required
Tuesday 30th August 2016
You may have recently had the difficult decision as to whether or not to have a stairlift installed for either yourself or someone you care about, and are now in need of more information to which type of stairlift you require. We are often asked, either by telephone or by email, if they need a curved stairlift due to the layout of their staircase.
We have put together a diagram on the left, depicting the different types of staircases that need a curved stairlift installed.
(from top left, to bottom right)
1. Straight stairs, platform in the middle. Although some may think that they do not need a curved stairlift as the stairs run in a straight line, there needs to be a bend in the rail at the point in the platform.
2. Curve at top and bottom.
3. Curve at bottom.
4. Two or three steps, platform, stairs to landing. If the user can manage the first two or three steps unaided, then they may not necessarily need a curved stairlift.
5. Stairs to platform, two or three steps to landing. Again as with the above example, if the user can manage the final two or three steps, they may not need a curved stairlift.
6. Curve at top
7. Stairs, platform, stairs, platform, stairs to landing
8. Stairs to platform, return bend
If your staircase resembles any of these diagrams, then a curved stairlift is going to be needed. If you are ever in doubt, feel free to contact us for a free no obligation quote, and we'll let you know exactly what kind of lift you require.